New records on prey capture and meat eating by bonobos at Lui Kotale, Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
Auteurs:Hohmann, Gottfried; Fruth, Barbara
Année de publication:2008
Date de publication:2008
Compared to data from chimpanzees, observations on prey capture and meat eating by bonobos (Pan paniscus) are still rare, fragmentary and anecdotal. Here we present new and unpublished information from wild bonobos at Lui Kotale, Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Our observations confirm that solitary and terrestrial ungulates are the major prey. However, bonobos at Lui Kotale also consumed other mammalian prey, including other primates. Evidence from direct observations is complemented with information obtained by macroscopic analyses of fresh faeces. Results suggest that bonobos consume meat with frequencies similar to some chimpanzee populations. The data emphasize differences between the two Pan species in terms of prey species selection and prey capture.